What is the Paul Lauzier Scholarship Foundation?
The PLSF awards scholarships each year to graduating seniors and alumni of Grant County high schools who attend college or vocational school within the state of Washington. Students pursuing trades and graduate level degrees are also eligible.
What school districts qualify for a Lauzier Scholarship?
Almira/Coulee-Hartline, Covenant Christian, Ephrata, Moses Lake Christian Academy, Moses Lake, Quincy, Royal, Soap Lake, Wahluke, Warden and Wilson Creek. This includes any alternative schools within those districts. Applicants must also reside in Grant County for a minimum of 2 years prior to high school graduation.
How do I apply for a Lauzier Scholarship?
Students apply online at https://lauzierscholarship.awardspring.com. The deadline is March 1. A new application is posted every December.
Do Lauzier Scholarships automatically renew?
No, but scholarships are available every academic year. Previous recipients must reapply and compete with new applicants. Each year is a new selection process.
Are scholarships available for students pursuing trades?
Yes! The Paul Lauzier Foundation strongly supports students pursuing all forms of vocational technical education. Also, students obtaining graduate/master's, law, and medical degrees are eligible.
How do scholarship recipients receive funds?
Login to your AwardSpring dashboard at https://lauzierscholarship.awardspring.com and provide the requested information. Funds are sent directly to the college and deposited into your student account at the beginning of July. It can take several weeks for the schools to process awards, so be patient!
What is the Paul Lauzier Charitable Foundation?
The PLCF provides grants to tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations in support of community development, youth programs, public health and safety, education, and agriculture. Schools, towns, cities, healthcare entities, governmental agencies, and churches may also apply.
What kinds of grants does the charitable foundation award?
The Foundation will consider funding requests for program support, equipment, and capital projects. Requests for overhead expenses or operational costs such as salaries, rent and utilities are not considered. There is no geographical limitation. However, the Foundation prefers to fund programs and projects located in rural communities in central and eastern Washington, with an emphasis in Grant County. The PLCF will fund one-time annual grants and larger, long-term pledges spread over multiple years.
How does my organization apply for a Lauzier Charitable Grant?
Nonprofit organizations apply online. A new application link is posted every January on our homepage. The next deadline is April 30, and funding is disbursed at the beginning of June.
How do selected charitable grant recipients submit the completion report at the end of the grant term?
A link to the Grant Completion Report will be sent to selected grantees to submit online through Kaleidoscope. You can also email the information to info@lauzier.org or via regular mail. Go to the Charitable Grant Report page for more information.
Can I donate to the Paul Lauzier Foundation?
Yes! Contact us at info@lauzier.org for more details about how you can get involved in our scholarship and charitable giving programs.